Sunday, April 20, 2008

Funny duck!

We went for a walk yesterday with my dad and Merlyn... along a man made lake in Sherman Oaks... It was beautiful.... lots of trees and greenery.  I guess we just missed the cherry trees in bloom by about three weeks... Funny, in Antony, the cherry trees on our street are just now starting to bloom!  Anyhow... We DID see lots of birds- mostly ducks and geese.  Any Frenchie's dream- FOIE GRAS!!!  I have never seen so many wild ducks and geese and it was pretty nice to see them in the wild.  

Here is a duck with something on his head, it looks like a big ball of cotton balls, but it was funny... 

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Het Leesa,
Didier thinks that this is an "almost adult" duck that still has a tiny patch of his baby feathers .
Unless there's some weird variety of duck out there that we don't know ? !